Caring for Leather - Cleaning Leather Furniture, Leather Car Interiors, Clothing etc.
Cleaning Leather is an essential part of caring for your leather furniture, leather car interior or leather clothing. Leather Cleaning not only removes dirt and oils (which can, over time, break down the leathers protective coating) but will also help to maintain the moisture balance in the leather. This is important for keeping the leather supple and makes it less likely to absorb spillages.
On some leathers, the surface can break down with wear and even mild cleaning chemicals can then affect the colour and finish. Therefore test the Leather cleaning product on an inconspicuous area first and then re-test on the most worn area. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and care.
Most of the time when you clean leather, you simply need to avoid drying it out or changing its appearance. It is best to avoid 'spot' or localised cleaning and aggressive scrubbing.
We sell a range of Leather Cleaning and Maintenance products from a number of manufacturers.