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Kontrol Mini Non-Scented Moisture Absorber

Kontrol Mini Non-Scented Moisture Absorber Kontrol Mini Non-Scented Moisture Absorber Ref: 140019

Our Mini Kontrol Moisture Absorber is perfect for wardrobes, cupboards, small bathrooms, caravans and boats. It freshens air absorbs damp.

The Kontrol Mini Moisture Absorber works on the basis of granules which absorb moisture. The Mini Absorber is noiseless and requires no electricity or batteries.

The Kontrol Mini Moisture Absorber absorbs over 100ml of water and will last approx. 6-8 weeks dependent on the relative humidity.

This Kontrol Mini Moisture Absorber contains 100g of granules and can be refilled (there is a membrane which contains the contents if tipped - this membrane will need to be removed to be refilled - this will not effect the function of the absorber).

For larger areas see our Full Range of Moisture Absorbers.

Refills granules available - Natural or Lavender Fragrance.

Click here to download our FREE leaflet to advise on damp and mould problems (pdf).

You can easily measure the relative atmospheric humidity using our Hygrometer.

Size approx: 9.5 x 7 x 5cm

Click here to see more products for dealing with mould and damp.


Price:    £1.82 Including  VAT at 20%

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Related products:
1. HG Hagesan Moisture Absorber (Ref: HG100)
2. HG Hagesan Moisture Absorber Refill Granules Natural (Ref: HGGRAN)

Kontrol Mini Non-Scented Moisture Absorber

Usage Instructions:

Remove foil to activate Kontrol Mini Moisture Absorber. Liquid will collect in the base as the unit collects absorbed moisture.

Keep upright on a level surface.

When full and process is complete, empty contents in sink or wc. Clean any spillage with warm soapy water and dry.

This Kontrol Mini Moisture Absorber contains 100g of granules and can be refilled (there is a membrane which contains the contents if tipped - this membrane will need to be removed to be refilled - this will not effect the function of the absorber).

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